Saturday, August 11, 2012

no stone unturned.

using the dnr occurance mapper i decided to try and pinpoint the location of a few species today. i searched around some very tiny creeks north of the cities in search of tadpole madtom, mottled sculpin and several darter species. i narrowed my search down to two small bodies of water that according to the mapper contained what i was looking for. i tried each bridge that the shocking data was recorded at. most were just to shallow and weedy to fish right now but i did find one wide shallow spot with a nice rocky bottom. i waded through flipping over rocks in search of micros and it didnt take long. sculpin and darters were hiding under every bit of structure. i didn't find any madtoms like i had hoped but i did catch my lifelist mottled sculpin and johnny darter.

mottled sculpin

johnny darter

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